Jumat, 12 Juni 2015

(Solid, Liquid, Gas)

·                       -   Matter is anything that has mass and place a space.
·                        -  All matter is made of tiny particles called as molecules.
·                       - Molecules are the smallest particles that can exist independently
- Matter exist in three states: Solid, Liquid, and Gases.                                                                                                      
·        Solid: Metal, Steel, Wood, Iron, Copper, Etc
·        Liquid: Water, Rain, Pee, Etc
·        Gas: Air, Wind, Fart, Helium, Co, Co2

Characteristic of matter
                             A.  Solid
  ·        Solids have closely packed molecules, and the molecules cannot move around.
  ·        A solids object has definite shape but they have definite volume.


      ·        In liquids, molecules are closely packed and the                    molecules can move around.
      ·        Liquids do not have definite shape but they have definite              volume.
·        Liquids can blend can be poured easily.
·        Liquids take a shape of the container in which they are poured.

c           C.     Gases
·        Gas doesn’t have definite shape.
·        Doesn’t have definite volume.
·        The molecules in a gas are separated by big distances.
·        A gas places the whole of the space in which it is placed.
·        The molecules of gases spread out, that why the smell of parfume spread from one room to another.

2 komentar:

  1. thank you for this article... it's very useful..

  2. woy dede ganti dong template nya...
    terlalu polos tabub
